Extranet Development For Special-Interest Media Group

Case Study


The client is an international special-interest media group listed on the London stock exchange. They cater to over 52 million international consumers a month and creating world-class content and advertising solutions for passionate consumers.

Executive Summary

The client has a web portfolio which includes a list of high quality, impartial product review portals with a revenue generation model which was limited to display of graphical and text advertisements on these portals. The customer recognized a major opportunity to increase its revenue multifold by monetizing these sites which will allow easy access to purchase products via retail partner or shopping partner site.
Having closely worked with this client before, Synergy Technology Services was asked to develop this extranet application.


  • PHP 5.0
  • Cake PHP Framework
  • Web Services
  • PG-SQL


  • An extranet application was developed which can be integrated with any number of client sites.
  • The application allows retail partner’s to login and enter the URL of the pages on which they sold particular products. The process involved a four step validation before the content could be published on the websites:
    • Auto URL Validation
    • Manual URL Validation
    • Auto Content Filtering and Validation
    • Manual override of auto configuration and rules allowing administrators to manually publish /unpublish data
  • A three level data persistence strategy was adopted ensuring no loss of data during – memory sharing, data logs and database maintenance.


  • Extensive security and data privacy concerns needing high-end technology resolutions
  • Content validation at different levels using various approaches
  • Extensible architecture allowing integration with all client portals.
  • Fault tolerant platform ensuring saving of mission critical data by capturing records of all views and clicks

Business Impacts

  • This extranet application ensured purchase products via retail partner or shopping partner site.
  • Integration with any number of client sites using the same extranet product.
  • Revenue generation.